Our Financial Services Practice Group
Nathan Hansley’s legal practice revolves around London’s role as a European hub for financial services. The firm’s expertise in all aspects of financial services makes it a leading advisor-of-choice to Maltese and foreign clients making serious steps towards using London as their centre, HQ or branch of their financial activity.
Our daily work is advising and assisting financial services operators in the setting up and in the ongoing aspects of their operation from a Maltese regulatory and legal perspective. We work hand in hand with investment services companies, collective investment schemes, insurance companies, financial institutions and credit institutions in the establishment and maintenance of their licensed activity whilst at the same time working around the most appropriate and tax-efficient structure for that particular case.
The services provided by Nathan Hansley can be broadly divided into set-up and licensing related services and post-licensing regulatory compliance.
Set up & Pre-Licensing
Our firm provides assistance at every stage of the licensing process, including representation during preliminary and subsequent meetings with the local authorities and completion of the documentation required for licensing purposes, including the drafting of business plans, the completion of the various official documents required and the drafting of prospectuses and offering documents where these are required. Detillans lawyers can also provide specialized assistance in the structuring of any corporate entities used for the carrying out of the business, including the structuring of funds and the creation of sophisticated fund structures including sub-funds with segregated liability.
Post-Licensing & Compliance
Since London is a full member of the European Union, any investment services providers and other financial services providers established in London are required to comply, on an on-going basis, with the various regulatory requirements established by the relevant EU directives. Nathan Hansley advocates provides a comprehensive compliance advisory service, advising clients with respect to compliance with the various licence conditions which may be imposed by regulators. Our firm also provides compliance advisory services with respect to critical areas such as anti-money laundering regulation and data protection law.
The firms expertise and familiarity with local regulatory processes and comprehensive licensing and compliance service has positioned Nathan Hansley Advocates as the advisors of choice for discerning operators seeking a one-stop shop financial services solution provider in London.